Weed in Sankt Gallen: Your Guide to Cannabis

weed in Sankt Gallen

Cannabis is a big topic worldwide. In Switzerland, it’s talked about a lot. Even though having small amounts is technically illegal, the country doesn’t always punish people.

This guide will help you understand the laws about cannabis in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. You’ll learn about the rules, changes, and debates that have shaped the country’s policies.

Key Takeaways

  • Switzerland has a population of around 8 million, with an estimated 500,000 cannabis users.
  • The possession of less than 10 grams of cannabis is subject to a flat fine of 100 Swiss francs, with the cannabis being confiscated.
  • Possession of a quantity of cannabis that can affect the health of a large number of people is punishable by one to three years of imprisonment.
  • The tax rate for CBD cannabis flowers in Switzerland is CHF 38 per kilogram and 25 percent of the retail price, with a minimum of CHF 80 per kilogram.
  • The estimated revenue generated from the low-THC cannabis market in Switzerland is reported to be €100 million just this year.

The Legality of Cannabis in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the rules about cannabis are changing slowly. If cannabis has more than 1.0% THC, it’s illegal. This means you could get up to three years in jail or a big fine.

But since 2012, having less than 10 grams of cannabis is not a crime. You might just get a 100 Swiss franc fine instead.

The top court said having up to 10 grams of cannabis is okay if you don’t plan to sell it. But, you could still get fined for using it. This shows Switzerland is getting softer on personal use of cannabis, but still strict on selling it.

Classification and Penalties

Swiss law says cannabis with more than 1.0% THC is illegal. If you grow, make, or have a lot of this cannabis, you could get in big trouble. This includes jail time and big fines.

But, having a little cannabis is not as bad anymore. This change helps the justice system focus more on health than crime.

Offense Penalty
Possession of less than 10 grams of cannabis 100 Swiss franc flat fine
Possession of more than 10 grams of cannabis Up to 3 years imprisonment and/or a fine
Cultivation, production, or large-scale possession Up to 3 years imprisonment and/or a fine

The rules about cannabis laws Switzerland and marijuana regulations St. Gallen are changing. Groups like the Swiss Cannabis Association and Alpine Herbal St. Gallen want to make these changes even bigger. They think there should be new ways to handle cannabis.

Types of Cannabis Products in Sankt Gallen

In Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, you can find two main types of cannabis. Recreational marijuana is illegal here because it has a lot of THC. But, some cities are trying to open cannabis clubs.

CBD cannabis flowers are legal and have less than 1.0% THC. You can find them at Leafly St. Gallen, Weed-World St. Gallen, and Alpine Herbal St. Gallen tobacco stores.

The CBD market is growing fast. People use it as a tobacco substitute and it’s taxed at 25%. It helps with anxiety, depression, and inflammation. But, we need more research on its long-term effects.

It’s hard for police in Sankt Gallen to tell legal CBD from banned marijuana. They look the same, smell the same, and taste the same. This can cause legal problems for both buyers and sellers.

Product THC Content Legal Status Price Range
Recreational Marijuana High Illegal CHF 4,000 – CHF 6,000 per kilogram
CBD Cannabis Flowers Less than 1.0% Legal CHF 10 – CHF 20 per gram

“CBD has been shown to be effective against anxiety, depression, nausea, inflammation, and in some cases of epilepsy and tumor treatment.”

The laws on cannabis in Switzerland are still changing. But, CBD cannabis flowers are a good option for those who want benefits without getting high. As research and the market grow, we’ll see more changes in Sankt Gallen.

Recreational Cannabis in Sankt Gallen

In Switzerland, laws about cannabis are still tricky. But Sankt Gallen is trying to be more relaxed about using marijuana for fun. Even though having small amounts can get you fined, they don’t always enforce it.

In Sankt Gallen, having up to 10 grams of marijuana is okay for personal use. They focus more on using it than just having it. They even thought about making cannabis clubs legal, but the government stopped them.

Many people in Sankt Gallen want cannabis because it helps with stress, sleep, and feeling good. Legal cannabis is making more money, too. It went from 400,000 francs to 15.1 million francs in a year.

The talk about legalizing cannabis in Switzerland is ongoing. Sankt Gallen is leading the way in making it easier to use for fun. Even though it’s not clear what will happen next, the city’s openness and the demand for cannabis suggest a possible future.

Statistic Value
Estimated number of cannabis users in Switzerland around 500,000 among a population of 8 million
THC percentage threshold for cannabis to be classified as illegal in Switzerland more than 1.0%
Tax imposed on legal cannabis (low-THC weed) sold in Switzerland CHF38 ($37.70) per kilo (2 lb) and 25% of the retail revenue
Legal possession limit of cannabis in Switzerland up to 10 grams (⅓ oz) since 2012
Tax revenues from legal cannabis as a tobacco alternative in Switzerland 15.1 million francs in the last year, up from 400,000 francs three years earlier

“Surveys in Switzerland indicate that most individuals using cannabis products are young and benefit from CBD, which helps with sleep problems, stress, and overall well-being.”

weed in Sankt Gallen: CBD Cannabis Flowers

In Switzerland, CBD cannabis flowers with less than 1.0% THC are legal. They are popular as a tobacco substitute. The government has introduced a special tax on them.

Werner Bösch started working with cannabis at 20 in 1983. In 2016, he launched “Alpine Herbal St. Gallen.” They make 20 kilos of cannabis a month. Their product, “Golden Green,” has 0.6% THC and 15% CBD.

CBD cannabis has been legal in Switzerland since 2011. It must have less than 1% THC. The Swiss government taxes these products at 25%.

Experts say CBD can help with anxiety, depression, and more. It doesn’t cause addiction. But, burning it with tobacco can still be harmful.

The popularity of CBD cannabis in Sankt Gallen is growing. Bösch has even had the drug squad visit him. The IG-Hanf group, founded by Bösch’s son, promotes transparency in the cannabis industry.

CBD Cannabis Flowers

The Swiss government is considering legalizing recreational cannabis. The success of CBD cannabis in Sankt Gallen shows public demand. Leafly St. Gallen and Alpine Herbal St. Gallen are leading the way in the Swiss Cannabis Association.

Medical Marijuana Access in Sankt Gallen

Legal Requirements and Procedures

In Switzerland, you can’t buy [cannabis laws Switzerland] for fun. But, doctors can give special permits for medical use. This is for people with serious or terminal illnesses since 2011.

To get [marijuana regulations St. Gallen] in Sankt Gallen, you need a doctor’s note. But, not many pharmacies can sell it. Alpine Herbal St. Gallen is one of them. They help patients get the right [cannabis laws Switzerland] products.

About 200,000 people in Switzerland still use illegal [marijuana regulations St. Gallen]. The government might let up to 5,000 people smoke it legally soon. This could change laws from 1951.

Requirement Details
Doctor’s Prescription Patients must obtain a prescription for medical [cannabis laws Switzerland] from a licensed Swiss physician.
Approved Pharmacies Only a limited number of pharmacies in Sankt Gallen are authorized to dispense [marijuana regulations St. Gallen] tinctures and oils.
Ongoing Studies Research is being conducted on the potential benefits of [cannabis laws Switzerland] for various medical conditions, including in children and adolescents.

“Switzerland already permits cannabis products containing less than 1% THC, and the government is proposing to facilitate access to medical marijuana through a separate process.”

Attempts at Cannabis Reform in Switzerland

Switzerland has tried many times to change its cannabis laws. They wanted to make it legal or less strict. But, they haven’t always been successful.

In 2012, they made it okay to have a little cannabis. But, making it legal for more use has been hard.

Recently, more people want to change the cannabis laws. In 2021, about 70 percent of Swiss people wanted to make things easier. This has made lawmakers think about changing things.

The Basel pilot program is a big effort to make cannabis safer. They picked 400 people to try it out. The cannabis had different strengths and prices to match the black market.

The goal was to make people use less of the bad stuff. They wanted to make it safer and more controlled.

They also tried to make it look less appealing. This is like what they do with cigarettes in some places.

Another study, “Weed Care,” let 400 adults try it for 2.5 years. This study is part of a bigger push by the Swiss Cannabis Association. They want to change the marijuana regulations for the better.

cannabis laws Switzerland

Switzerland’s cannabis market is big, making about CHF1 billion a year. This shows how changing the laws could help the economy and society. The debate is still going on. Will Switzerland follow other countries and make things easier for cannabis users?

Pilot Studies and Future Prospects

Switzerland has made big steps in studying cannabis laws Switzerland despite legal hurdles. In 2016, cities like Leafly St. Gallen wanted to start marijuana regulations St. Gallen clubs. They wanted to see how a regulated market would work.

But, these plans were stopped. Still, the Swiss parliament has made a new law. It lets scientists study Weed-World St. Gallen in a controlled way.

Scientific Trials and Legal Changes

About three per cent of the Swiss people use cannabis monthly. That’s over 200,000 people. Most of them use it without problems.

A study in Eastern Switzerland is being planned. It will talk to 30 cannabis users. They want to learn more about using cannabis for fun.

The study is called “Cannabis in Everyday Life.” It’s funded by the HSG Basic Research Fund. They want to find out more about cannabis and maybe other drugs too.

More than two-thirds of the Swiss people want cannabis to be regulated but legal. This shows there’s a lot of support for change.

Even though things are still unsure, there’s hope. The Swiss government is okay with studying cannabis. And more people are supporting changes in marijuana regulations St. Gallen.

“The research team plans to conduct semi-structured interviews with approximately 30 of the 90 cannabis users who have volunteered to participate in the study on recreational cannabis consumption.”


The world of weed in Sankt Gallen and cannabis laws in Switzerland is complex. It keeps changing. While you can’t buy marijuana in St. Gallen for fun, it’s okay to have a little for medical use.

Switzerland’s journey with cannabis shows both ups and downs. Many people in Switzerland use cannabis. They also want to make it legal.

As the world changes its views on cannabis, Switzerland will too. It’s exciting to see how marijuana regulations in St. Gallen will grow. For now, Switzerland is still figuring out its rules on weed in Sankt Gallen.


What is the legal status of cannabis in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, cannabis with more than 1.0% THC is illegal. This includes growing, using, and having it. You could face up to three years in jail or a big fine.But, having less than 10 grams is not a crime anymore. You’ll just get a 100 Swiss franc fine.

What are the different types of cannabis products available in Sankt Gallen?

There are two main types in Switzerland. High THC recreational marijuana is illegal. But, CBD flowers with less than 1.0% THC are legal and can be found at tobacco stores.

Is recreational cannabis use allowed in Sankt Gallen?

Recreational cannabis use is technically illegal in Switzerland. But, small amounts might just get you a fine. Some cities, like Sankt Gallen, want to study legal use in special clubs.But, the federal government keeps saying no because of lack of laws.

Is CBD cannabis legal in Sankt Gallen?

CBD cannabis flowers with less than 1.0% THC are legal in Switzerland. They’re popular as a tobacco substitute. The government even taxes them.

How can I access medical marijuana in Sankt Gallen?

Switzerland allows medical cannabis use. Since 2011, doctors can prescribe it for serious or terminal illnesses. They need a special permit from the Federal Office of Public Health.

Has Switzerland made any progress in cannabis reform?

Switzerland has tried many times to change its cannabis laws. They’ve had votes and plans to make it legal or less strict. But, the government and parliament keep saying no.

What are the latest developments in Switzerland’s approach to cannabis?

In 2016, cities like Sankt Gallen wanted to start cannabis clubs for research. But, the government stopped them. Now, the parliament has made a law for scientific studies on cannabis.

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